New: Daniel Boone Patch - Explorers Series

Last year Sasquatch the Squirrel traveled all across the USA. Many of you took him along on your adventures. This time Sasquatch is back with a new patch series diving into exploration history and his own family tree. We all know this adventurous squirrel loves to travel off-road and into the wild. Now he has discovered that his family tree is full of famous explorers!
This first morale patch release kicks off our series with the legendary frontiersman and pioneer Daniel Boone who became an iconic folk hero during the settling and expansion of America. This is one tall tale that we are reclaiming as a small tail!
Join us for the new Explorers morale patch series, take Sasquatch's famous explorers with you on your overlanding journeys and tag us on Instagram: #sasquatchwashere - and we'll share it on the Sasquatch Was Here page and on Instagram.
These large Velcro-backed morale patches are made of durable waterproof and weather resistant soft PVC and are made in the USA by our friends at Grizzly Supply Company. Don't miss out on this limited run!