Bonus Reward Points On BROG Brand Products (Ends 10/2/23)

Sep 25, 2023by Jason F


Happy Autumn! For one week you can earn a bonus 150 Reward Points on all Blue Ridge Overland Gear (aka: BROG) brand products. That means: on top of the points you earn already for each product, you can get an additional 150 Points. Take advantage of this offer until 10/2/23. All you have to do is claim a BROG account.

You may be asking: "What are Reward Points anyway?" Our Reward Points are an easy loyalty program designed to help you along in your overlanding and outdoor adventures - by allowing you to earn your own discounts. That means the more you shop, the more you save!

Claim an account for free and start earning Reward Points on every purchase. Reward Points add up to serious discounts: $10 off, $25 off, and $50 off! Here's how it works:

  1. Claim and verify your Blue Ridge Overland Gear account.
  2. You earn $10 off right away if you also get on our email list.
  3. After that, you can keep earning on every order. Every purchase on our website earns you Reward Points. Points add up (like in a bank savings account).
  4. Keep earning points to claim Rewards (discounts) redeemable when checking out: $10 off (200 Points), $25 (500 Points), $50 (1000 Points).
  5. Don't forget: you can also earn Points other ways: leaving a review, having a birthday, and more.

As you acquire gear it's important to keep it organized and protected, while still being easy to access. Our vehicle organizers, rugged gear bags, and EDC pouches work as a system to help you stay on track and keep focused on what really matters: enjoying your time outdoors!

Take advantage of this Bonus Points offer by 10/2/23 and stock up on savings while you get your gear organized!